How to Setup a Custom Record to Show as a Sublist

This article walks a user through the setup needed in order for a custom record to show on a standard record as a sublist.


Jeremy S. Inman

9/19/20241 min read

Please complete the following steps to have a custom record show as a sublist on a standard NetSuite record.

  1. On the Custom Record custom field, the following field need to be set

    • Type = List/Record

    • List/Record = Select the record type you want to add

    • Store Value = Checked

    • Record is Parent = Checked

    • Parent Subtab = Select the subtab on the record type you want the custom records to show

  1. On the Custom Record, check the box called "Records are Ordered"

  1. Once the settings are saved, you can check SuiteScript by running a SuiteScript Comand